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GDPR Weekly Show

Nov 29, 2020

Coming up in this week's episode:

Update your Employee Privacy Policy to account for Covid19,

Retail and Leisure venue considerations as England Lockdown ends,

Update on Manchester United data breach,

Spotify changes passwords after data breach,

Sophos data breach,

Carrefour fined for multiple GDPR breaches,


Nov 26, 2020

Coming up in this special Brexit episode:

What is changing?

When is it changing?

Deal or no deal?

Key questions you need to ask

Is it really going to be enforced?

So what do I need to do?

Can I do it myself?

How can Ensurety (producers of the GDPR Weekly Show) help?

Nov 22, 2020

Coming up in this week's episode:

Covid19 update on GDPR requirements for Track and Trace,

Sheffield City Council hides behind GDPR re school Covid19 numbers,

Delaware Public Health data breach of Covid19 records,

Manchester United data breach,

Animal Jam massive data breach,

Glofox data breach,

Canadian Privacy...

Nov 15, 2020

Coming up in this week's episode:

Guidance issued re Occupational Health data,

Covid 19 App data retention rules,

Public Health Wales accept GDPR report recommendations,

Ticketmaster face £1.25m penalty for GDPR breach,

1 and 1 win appeal against GDPR penalty,

Twitter data breach investigation nears...

Nov 8, 2020

Coming up in this week's episode:

NHS Covid19 Proximity App - should you enforce its use in your workplace?

USB Keys and their safe disposal,

ICO RTB enquiry ends abruptly but faces legal action,

Oracle and Salesforce action could result in £150 to every UK Internet user,

Irish Prisons biometric access not...